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Interweaving Photo Strips with Photoshop

Interweaving Photo Strips Effect

Today we will create an amazing photo effect in Photoshop. We will create an Interweaving Photo Strips Effect with Photoshop. This Photoshop tutorial will guide you in turning an image into a series of interweaved strips.

To create Interweaving Photo Strips with Photoshop, we will be using the layers, Layer Mask, Transform Tool, Outer Glow Layer Style, Crop Tool, and a few other tools and filters.

Interweaving Photo Strips with Photoshop

Let’s begin with the tutorial by opening an image in Photoshop.

Now follow the step-by-step process to create Interweaving Photo Strips Effect in Photoshop.

Step 1

Firstly, we will crop the image into a square. Select the Crop Tool from the Tool Panel. With the left-click, drag the cursor and select the area of the image. While making a selection, press and hold the Shift key to constrain the selection to a perfect square.

Select the Crop Tool

After making the selection, press Enter (Win)/ Return (Mac) to crop the image. Alternatively, you can select the tick-mark icon in the Options Bar to crop the image.

Crop the image

Step 2

Now we will make a couple of copies of the Background Layer. Press Ctrl + J twice to duplicate the layer two times. Then double-click on the layer name to rename the layers. (See the below image)

Create Duplicate Layers

Step 3

Hide the top layer by clicking on the eye icon. Then select the Diagonal Strips 1 layer and click on the Create a New Layer icon in the Layers Panel. A new layer will get created above the Diagonal Strips 1 layer.

Hide the Layer
Create a new layer

Step 4

Let Layer 1 (new layer created in the above step) be selected in the Layers Panel. Then select the Rectangular Marquee Tool from the Tool Panel and make a horizontal selection. With the help of the Paint Bucket Tool, fill the selection with color. Then reduce its Opacity to 50%

Make a selection

Now press Ctrl + T to activate Free Transform. Then change the angle of the selection to 45 degrees. Place the selection in the mid of the image.

Interweaving Photo Strips

Select the Move Tool from the Tool Panel and place the cursor on the selection. Then press & hold the Alt key and drag the selection to create a duplicate copy of it.

Create a duplicate copy of the selection

Similarly, create a few more copies of the selection and place them on the image at a certain distance.

Create Strips on the image

Step 5

Select the Background Layer in the Layers Panel. Then go to Edit > Fill. In the Fill dialogue box, set the Contents to Black and click OK. This will fill the Background Layer with black color.

Select the Fill to fill the Background Layer
Fill dialogue box
Background Layer filled with black color

Step 6

Select a layer named Layer 1 and increase its Opacity to 100%.

Increase the Opacity of the layer
Interweaving Photo Strips

Step 7

Now select the Diagonal Strips 1 layer and add a Layer Mask. The Layer Mask icon is at the bottom of the Layers Panel.

Add a Layer Mask

Now we will make a selection out of Layer 1. So, press and hold the Ctrl key and left-click on the Layer 1 thumbnail. (Ctrl + Click)

Make a selection

After making the selection, we will inverse the selection by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I.

Inverse the selection

Make sure the Layer Mask thumbnail is selected, and then select the Paint Bucket Tool from the Tool Panel. The Foreground Color should be black. Place the paint bucket cursor on one of the selected strips, and with the left-click fill the whole selection with black color. This is how we have created the layer mask for Diagonal Strips 1.

Hide Layer 1 by clicking on the eye icon.

Layer Mask

Step 8

Select Layer 1 and press Ctrl + J to create a copy of it. Then select the duplicate layer (Layer 1 copy) and drag it to the top layer. It will be placed above Diagonal Strips 2 layer. Also, unhide the Diagonal Strips 2 layer.

Create and unhide layers
Interweaving Photo Strips in Photoshop

Now select the Layer 1 copy and press Ctrl + T. Then change the angle to 90 degrees to transform the direction of the strips.

Change the direction of the strips

Next, add a Layer Mask to the Diagonal Strips 2 layer and repeat Step 7.

Interweaving Photo Strips with Photoshop

Step 9

Unhide the Diagonal Strips 1 layer and the image will look like this-

Interweaving Photo Strips with Photoshop

Make a selection of the first layer mask using Ctrl + Click and then select the second layer mask using Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Click.

Select both the layer masks

After making the selections, go to Select > Save Selection and save your selection.

Select Save Selection
Save the Selection

Step 10

Now we will deselect alternate selections using the Lasso Tool.

Deselect alternate selections

Select the Girl image thumbnail and press Ctrl + J to duplicate the selection. Hide all the remaining layers except the new copied layer, and your image will look like this-

Interweaving Photo Strips in Photoshop

Step 11

Go to Select > Load Selection. Now deselect the selection which we have kept earlier, and we will keep those selections that we have deleted in the above step. Then create a copy of the selection as created in the above step. Arrange the layers as shown in the below image.

Interweaving Photo Strips in Photoshop
Arrange the layers.

Step 12

Select Layer 2 (the layer above the Diagonal Strips 2) and press Alt + Ctrl + G to create a Clipping Mask. Then select Layer 3 (the layer above the Diagonal Strips 1) and create a Clipping Mask.

Create Clipping Mask

Step 13

Select Layer 2 in the Layers Panel and go to Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow.

In the Outer Glow dialogue box, set the Blending Mode to Multiply. The Color of the Outer Glow is Black and the Techniques selected are Softer. Then increase the size of the Glow and reduce the Spread to 0.

Apply the same Outer Glow Layer Style to Layer 3 and the result will be this-

Interweaving Photo Strips with Photoshop

So, this is how you can create Interweaving Photo Strings with Photoshop.

This whole process might be time consuming for you but the result which you will get after all the efforts is amazing.

Practice this Photoshop Tutorial and share your views in the comment section. Also, share this photo effect tutorial with others.


  • Vivi Designing

    Vivi Designing is a platform for people who are in love with design and are eager to learn for creativity and inspiration. We provide free design resources, articles, tutorials, techniques, and the latest trends in Adobe Illustration and Adobe Photoshop.

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