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Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

In today’s Illustrator tutorial, we will create a Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator. To create the Vortex we will use Pen Tool, Ellipse Tool, Pathfinder Panel, 3D Effect, Transform Effect, and few other illustrator tools.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Start drawing Vortex by launching Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document. Now follow the below step by step process-

Step 1

We will first create a Symbol for the Spiral Vortex.

We will use Grid for creating the symbol. Press Ctrl + “ to Show Grid and then press Shift + Ctrl + “ to enable Snap to Grid.

Now press Ctrl + U to turn on Smart Guides.

To make a symbol, we will draw a line pattern with the help of the Pen Tool. So select the Pen Tool from the Tool Panel and turn off the Fill color. Then change the Stroke color to # fbd1cf.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

After drawing the lines, increase the Stroke Weight and change its caps to Projecting Caps as shown in the above image.

Then press Ctrl + “ to Hide Grid and Shift + Ctrl + “ to disable Snap to Grid.

Step 2

Now select the stroke line drawn and place it at the top left edge of the artboard.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Step 3

Let the stroke line be selected and click on Effect in the Menu Bar. Place the cursor on Distort & Transform and select Transform.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

When you will select Transform, the Transform Effect dialogue box will appear on the artboard. In that Transform Effect dialogue box, set the attributes as shown in the below image.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

After making the required changes in the Transform Effect dialogue box, check the Preview and click OK.

Step 4

Let the stroke line be selected and click on Object in the Menu Bar and then select Expand Appearance.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

After expanding appearance, select all the shapes and press Ctrl + J to join the anchor points.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Now select the Pen Tool and add some path at the left and right endpoint of the shape. We are adding these paths as we will save these lines as a symbol and we will use that symbol while creating Spiral Vortex. So the shapes in the spiral should be placed with equal distance between them.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Step 5

Now we will make vertical copies of the lines with the help of the Transform Effect.

Select the lines and open the Transform Effect dialogue box, and set the Vertical Move points and number of copies. Check the Preview and click OK.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Again select the lines and Expand Appearance as done in the above steps.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Step 6

Now press Shift + Ctrl + F11 to open the Symbols Panel.

Select all the lines and drag the selection into the Symbols Panel and you will see a plus sign near the cursor. Then release the left-click of the mouse. When you will release the left-click a Symbol Options dialogue box will appear on the artboard. You can give a name to your symbol and then click OK to save your symbol.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Now go the Layer Panel and hide this layer.

Step 7

Now we will create a Vortex with the help of Ellipse Tool, Pen Tool, Pathfinder Panel, and 3D Revolve.

Select the Ellipse Tool and draw a circle on the artboard. Turn off the stroke color for the circle and fill the color with color #5f0f17.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

To create a Vortex we want a quarter part of this circle. So select the Pen Tool and draw the shape cover the quarter part of the circle. Make sure Smart Guides are turned on because it will guide you in drawing the shape exactly form the center of the circle and covering the quarter part.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Select the circle and the shape and open the Pathfinder Panel (Shift + Ctrl + F9). In the Pathfinder Panel, select Intersect.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Step 8

Now select the quarter part of the circle and click on Effect in the Menu Bar. Place the cursor on 3D and select Revolve.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

When you will click on Revolve, the 3D Revolve Options dialogue box will appear on the artboard.

In that dialogue box, put a checkmark on Preview and then set the attributes of the axis as shown in the below image.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Step 9

Now click on Map Art to open the Map Art dialogue box. In the Map Art dialogue box, select the Symbol we have created and apply it on the whole graph. (See the image below)

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Your Spiral Vortex is not complete yet. There are some extra shapes that are required to be clipped.

Step 10

Select the Pen Tool and draw a shape covering the Vortex. (See the image below)

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

Now select the shape and the Vortex and press Ctrl + 7 to create a Clipping Mask.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

So this is how you can make a Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator.

Spiral Vortex in Adobe Illustrator

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  • Vivi Designing

    Vivi Designing is a platform for people who are in love with design and are eager to learn for creativity and inspiration. We provide free design resources, articles, tutorials, techniques, and the latest trends in Adobe Illustration and Adobe Photoshop.

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