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How to Add Fog to an Image using Adobe Photoshop


Knowing how to add fog effect to a picture can immediately create a mysterious and dazzling backdrop. This dreamlike quality helps uplift your mood while sharing these pieces with others. 

To do this, you can follow this guide to simplify the process using Adobe Photoshop.

Methods To Add Fog Effect to a Picture In Photoshop

There are two ways you can overlay the fog effect onto your images in Photoshop. Let’s explore these photo editing techniques below:  

Method 1: Difference Clouds

Difference Cloud filter in Photoshop creates a random cloud texture on a new layer that can be adjusted with blending modes to integrate fog into the image. However, it may produce unpredictable results and may require additional fine-tuning for a natural look.

Method 2: Gaussian Blur

Gaussian Blur is a common method for creating a new layer filled with white and then applying the blur effect to mimic the fog effect. You can also play around with the intensity of the fog using blending modes like Soft Light or Overlay. This technique provides better control over the fog’s appearance but may require multiple steps and adjustments for best results.

Steps for Adding a Fog Effect to Photos Using Adobe Photoshop

The Difference Cloud technique offers the most simple and quick way for adding effects to a picture with a foggy filter. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Open Your Photo

Open Adobe Photoshop. Go to Open, select the image you want to add the fog effect to, and click Open.

Step 2: Create a New Layer

Click the Window panel at the top right corner of the menubar, scroll below, and click the Layers tab to open the Layers panel.

Then, click New Layer at the bottom of the panel for a new one.

Step 3: Fill New Layer with White

Select the new layer, go to the Edit bar, and click Fill.

In the Fill dialog box, choose White from the Contents dropdown menu and click OK to fill the layer.

Step 4: Apply the Difference Clouds Filter

Now, go to Filter > Render and select Difference Clouds to get a random cloud pattern on your white-filled layer.

Step 5: Adjust the Layer Blending Mode

In the Layers panel, change the blending mode of the cloud layer from “Normal” to “Screen.” This will make the dark areas transparent and leave the lighter spaces visible.

Step 6: Adjust the Layer Position (Optional)

If needed, select the Move Tool by clicking on the Move Tool icon in the toolbar or pressing the shortcut key V. Then, click and drag the fog layer to reposition it on the desired area of the image.

Step 7: Save Your Image

Once satisfied, head back to File > Save As. Choose your preferred format and destination, then click Save to save your photo on your device.

Tips And Tricks

Add Multiple Layers

Do not limit yourself to one layer. Create multiple fog layers with different textures and opacities to add a bit of depth with some ingenuity. 

Adjust Opacity For Fog Density

Lower the opacity for subtle mist and choose a higher opacity for dense fog to control the cloud density.

Experiment with Different Blending Modes on the Fog Layer

Use blending modes like Soft Light, Overlay, Screen, and Multiply to pull off mixed fog effects. 

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Skipping Noise for Texture

You are using a fog effect without texture that looks artificial. Make sure to add a slight Noise filter, which can introduce realistic grain and make the fog more convincing.

Using a Single Fog Layer

You are relying on just one fog layer, which can make the effect look flat and uninteresting. Combine multiple layers with different textures and opacities to add depth and realism.

Perspective Neglect

Not aligning the fog layer’s perspective with the rest of the photo makes it appear out of place. Use the Transform tool (shortcut: ctrl+T) to match the fog’s perspective with the image.


Can I Add Color to the Fog?

You can add an additional Hue/Saturation adjustment layer on top of the the fog layer and adjust the hue to give the fog a color tint in Photoshop.

What Is the Best Blend Mode for Fog Layers?

The Screen and Overlay blend modes work best for fog layers as they jumble the white fog with the underlying image smoothly.

Can I Remove the Fog Effect Later?

Yes, you can hide or delete the fog layer to restore the original image.

What is the Best Format for Saving the Image with Fog?

After adding fog to the image in Adobe Photoshop, save it as a PSD file to retain layers for future edits. For sharing or online use,  PNG or JPEG are the best exporting formats.


In conclusion, you’ve learned the easy-to-follow instructions to add fog effect to picture using Photoshop’s Difference Cloud filter.

Remember to keep experimenting with different layer adjustments to attain your desired fog effect.


  • Ella Grace

    A design maestro who graduated from Missouri University and has been shaping the design landscape for the past 12 years. Specializing in Adobe Photoshop, Ella's expertise lies in crafting compelling branding for diverse industries, including tech, food, and beverage. She channels her passion for design into helping aspiring designers achieve their dreams by mastering Adobe Photoshop and creating standout designs.

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