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Vintage Logo in Adobe Illustrator
In today’s tutorial, we will design a Vintage Logo in Adobe Illustrator. Before designing the logo we must decide the theme on which the logo will be based. So in this illustrator tutorial, we will design a Wildlife Bird Sanctuary Vintage Logo.
Begin with the Vintage Logo Design process by launching Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document.
Now follow the below step by step process:
Step 1
For our Wildlife Bird Sanctuary Vintage Logo, we need to create a line art of bird. You can either draw a bird on your own or you can take the help of a reference image.
As you can see in the below image, I have drawn a line art bird with the help of a reference image.
After drawing the line art bird either delete or unhide the image.
Step 2
Now select the Ellipse Tool and keeping the bird in the center draw a circle. Turn off fill color for the circle.
Step 3
Now select the circle and press the shortcut key C to activate the Scissor Tool.
With the help of the Scissor Tool, cut the paths of the circle that is overlapping the wings of the bird.
Similarly, cut the second part that is overlapping the wings and you will get the shape as shown in the below image.
Step 4
Now with the help of the Selection Tool, select one part of the sliced circle and click on Object in the Menu Bar.
Then place the cursor on Path and select Offset Path. In the Offset Options dialogue box, set the Offset to 10 pt and click OK.
Now with the help of the Scissor Tool, cut the joining points of the offset path created to make them individual paths. (See the image below)
Now repeat this offset path step with the other half part of the sliced circle.
Step 5
Now select the outer layer of the curved paths and increase their Stroke Weight.
Now select the Pen Tool and draw some random line near the wings of the bird. (See the image below)
Step 6
Now select the Vertical Type on a Path Tool and click on the inner layer of the curved paths.
Now double click on the Vertical Type on a PathTool to open the Type Options dialogue box. With the help of this options dialogue box, we will edit the placement of the text.
Now type your text.
Step 7
With the help of the Star Tool, draw three stars and place them below the text and then select the Type Tool and type the establishing year.
You will notice establishing a year in most of the Vintage Logo.
Step 8
Now with the help of the Rectangle Tool draw a background of light color. You can also the color of your Vintage Logo and to create a rough effect over the Vintage Logo you can use a grain brush. The color of the grain brush will be the same as the color of the background.
This is how you can create a Vintage Logo in Adobe Illustrator.
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