Table of Contents
Flat Vector Camera in Adobe Illustrator
Today you will learn to make a Flat Vector Camera in Adobe Illustrator. To make this artwork we will use Shape Tool and Offset Path.
Launch Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Now follow the below steps:
Step 1
Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool from the Tool Panel and draw a rectangle of size 395.05 pt X 229.703 pt.
Now select the Pen Tool and draw two lines inside the rectangle.
Step 2
Now we will draw small buttons on the camera. In the below image, you can see the buttons which have been created with the help of the Rectangle Tool.
Step 3
With the help of the Ellipse Tool, we will draw the camera lens. Select the Ellipse Tool and draw a circle of size 200 pt X 200 pt and place it as shown in the below image.
Select the circle and click on Object in the Menu Bar. Place the cursor on Path and select the Offset Path.
A dialogue box will appear on the artboard. In that dialogue box, we will enter the value of Offset Path and with the help of this, we will create few more circles, inside the first circle drawn, to create the camera lens.
Step 4
In the Offset Pathdialogue box, enter the value of Offset as -4 pt and click OK.
Now let the new circle be selected and again open the Offset Path dialogue box by clicking on Object in the Menu Bar and then place the cursor on Path and select Offset Path.
This time we will create an Offset Path of value -7 pt.
Step 5
In a similar way, create few more Offset Paths of different values as shown in the below image.
The Flat Vector Camera in Adobe Illustrator is almost ready but we will now add colors to our artwork.
Coloring Time
You can either use Swatches or Gradients to fill color in the Flat Vector Camera.
Now practice this tutorial and create your Flat Vector Camera in Adobe Illustrator.
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