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Basic Panels of Adobe Illustrator P1

Basic Panels of Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a versatile and powerful tool for creating digital designs, and it comes equipped with a variety of panels and tools to help you achieve your creative vision. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, the basic panels in Illustrator are essential to understanding the program’s functionality.

The Control Panel is one such panel that is available in Illustrator. This panel is located at the top of the screen, and it provides quick access to a range of tools and options. You can use the Control Panel to adjust the stroke and fill of an object, change the font of your text, and more.

Another essential panel in Illustrator is the Layers panel, which allows you to organize your artwork into different layers. By creating layers, you can easily manipulate and edit specific elements of your design without affecting other parts of your artwork. This makes it much easier to keep track of complex designs and make changes on the fly.

Illustrator also comes with a wide range of pattern swatches, which you can use to add texture and interest to your designs. These patterns can be applied to shapes and other objects in your design, allowing you to create unique and eye-catching effects.

When it comes to working with images in Illustrator, the Image Trace options are incredibly useful. This tool allows you to convert raster images (such as JPEGs) into vector graphics, which can be scaled infinitely without losing quality. You can adjust the settings to control the level of detail and complexity in your traced image, allowing you to achieve the perfect balance of precision and artistic style.

The Magic Wand tool is another essential tool in Illustrator. This tool allows you to select areas of your artwork based on their color or tone. You can adjust the tolerance settings to control how closely the Magic Wand tool matches colors, making it easy to select specific parts of your design quickly.

Finally, if you need to crop an image in Illustrator, the Crop Image tool makes it simple. This tool allows you to select the area of your artwork that you want to keep, and it automatically crops the rest of the image. You can also use the Object menu to crop images using other shapes, such as circles or polygons.

In conclusion, the basic panels and tools in Illustrator are essential to creating professional-quality designs. The Control Panel, Layers panel, pattern swatches, Image Trace options, Magic Wand tool, and Crop Image tool are just a few of the many tools available in Illustrator. By mastering these basic panels and tools, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning digital artwork.

In my previous two articles, I had made you familiar with the Basic Tools of Adobe Illustrator. Now let’s move on to Basic Panels of Adobe Illustrator.
In this article, you will get to know about the panels which are on the right side of the workspace or you can find them in the Window Menu, which is in the Menu Bar.

Layer Panel

The shape, object, or artwork anything which you create on the artboard forms layers. These layers are shown in the layer panel.
Layer Panel
In the above image, on the right-hand side, you can see the layer panel next to properties. In the layer panel, you can see different layers and sub-layers. The shapes and tools which have been used to create the Tai Chi Symbol have taken place in the layer panel as separate layers.
New Layer or Sub Layer can also be added to the existing layer. Two small icons marked at the bottom right corner in the image are used to add a new layer and sub-layer.
To select any layer click on the small circle icon, this is on the right side in the layer panel. When you will click on the small circle icon it will get selected and a blue colored square will appear next to it and at the same time, the shape for which that layer was created will also get selected in the artwork. The below image will help you in understanding it more clearly.
Layer Panel
When you are making any changes or editing your artwork and you want that a particular shape must not get affected by it then simply click on the space which is between the eye icon and blue line in the layer. After clicking on that space a lock icon which appears and that layer will get locked. You can lock more than one layer at the same time. Just press & hold the Shift key and click the layers which you want to lock.

Unlocking a layer is as simple as locking it. Just click on the lock icon and the layer will get unlock.

If you want to hide a layer, which is also a very simple task, click on the eye icon and the layer will get hide and to unhide and click there and the layer will be visible.
In case you want to change the sequence of layers, then select the layer and with left click-drag the layer up or down wherever you want to place it.
To delete a layer, select it and click on the bin icon. You will find this bin icon at the bottom right corner of the Layers Panel.
When you will practice this layer panel you will notice that when you will add a new layer its color will change. There will be different colors for different layers. Check it in the below image.
Layer Panel

Align Panel

You must have got an idea from the name itself what this panel does. Yes, it helps in the alignment of the shape, object, or text.
In the Menu Bar, click on Windows and then click on Align and the Align Panel Window will appear. Select the text or the artwork and click on the Align Option which you want to select.
Layer Panel
With the help of the Align panel, you can change the alignment of your text or your artwork as per your desire to give your artwork a professional look.
In the align panel you will see Align type at the bottom right corner. When you will click on it, options will appear: Align to Selection and Align to Artwork.
Align to Selection: This will help in changing the alignment within the selected area.
Align to Artwork: This will help in changing the alignment as per the artboard.
So what are you waiting for just draw or type something and practice the alignment tool.

Transform Panel

This panel is also available in the Window menu in the Menu Bar. Click on transform and the Transform Panel window will appear.
Layer Panel
The transform Panel helps in transforming the shape or object. In the Transform Panel window, you can change the height and width of your object as well as you can rotate it at any point of angle by entering the value or by selecting the preset values.
 You will also find the transform panel in the properties which is on the right-hand side of the workspace.

Appearance Panel

In the Properties Panel, below the Transform panel appears the Appearance Panel. If it is not available there you can enable it from the Window option in the Menu Bar.
Layer Panel
In this panel you can change the appearance of the shape, object, or text; i.e.; fill, stroke and opacity of the object can be edited.
The color filled in the object, the stroke color & width, and the opacity of the color-filled can be changed with help of the Appearance panel.
With help of the above-explained panels try to make changes in your artwork and practice the use of these panels.
In the next article, we will learn about Other Basic Panels of Adobe Illustrator.
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  • Vivi Designing

    Vivi Designing is a platform for people who are in love with design and are eager to learn for creativity and inspiration. We provide free design resources, articles, tutorials, techniques, and the latest trends in Adobe Illustration and Adobe Photoshop.


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