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Curvature Tool in Adobe Illustrator
Curvature Tool is easy to use as compared to Pen Tool.
Drawing an object is easy and fast with the Curvature Tool.
In Pen Tool you have to first, place an anchor point, and then with the help of handles you give the path a curve or desired shape but in Curvature Tool you are not required to perform all these functions.
Let’s start drawing with Curvature Tool–
Drawing a straight line
First of all, select the Curvature Tool from the Tool Panel or press Shift + ~.
Click on the artboard to place an anchor point and now drag your cursor away from the initial anchor point. Click to place your second anchor point and double click on it, your straight line will be formed.
To have a pointed corner path of a shape double click on the anchor point and the smooth curved path will be changed to the pointed corner path. (See the below image).
In another way, you can press Shift and Alt keys together while placing your second anchor point and your path will not change into a smooth curve after releasing both the keys.
Drawing a curved line
To draw a curved line with Curvature Tool, select the tool from the tool panel, and place your first anchor point. Now drag the cursor away to the position where you want to place your second anchor point and in the same way place your other anchor points as required to form your desired shape.
At the time when you will place your second anchor point, you will see a straight line but when you will move your cursor away to place another anchor point you will notice that the straight line is changing into a smooth curve as shown in the below image.
Adding an anchor point
Alike Pen Tool, you can add an anchor point with help of the Curvature Tool also. You don’t need to go to the Tool Panel and right-click on Curvature Tool as you have to do in Pen Tool.
Just select the shape and click on Curvature Tool. Now place the cursor on the path where you want to add the anchor point and click to add the anchor point.
Removing an anchor point
To remove an anchor point, select the shape and click on Curvature Tool. Now place your cursor on the anchor point which you want to delete and click. The anchor point will be deleted.
Transforming the shape/object
Transforming a shape/object is really very easy with this tool. Select the shape/object and click on Curvature Tool. Now select the anchor point, where you need to give a new shape to your object and with left click-drag the anchor point. You will notice a change in the path. (See below image)
Practice the Curvature Tool and draw beautiful shapes.
Use Pen Tool and Curvature Tool both while drawing your object to identify the difference between both the tools.
Share this tutorial with others and so that they can also learn to use the Curvature Tool.