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Flip Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator
In today’s Illustrator tutorial, we will make the Flip Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator. We will use the Type Tool, Blend Tool, and a few other illustrator tools to make Flip Text.
Let’s begin with the tutorial by launching Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document.
Now follow the below mentioned easy to draw steps:
Step 1
Select the Type Tool and type a letter on the artboard.
Step 2
Now select the letter and turn off the Fill color. Then open the Appearance Panel and click on the Add New Fill button.
Now fill the letter with Fill color #f8a4a7 and Stroke color #d2d2d2.
Step 3
Now select the letter and create a duplicate copy of it with the help of the Alt Key.
Press & hold the Alt key and drag the letter to create its duplicate copy.
Then fill the letter with Fill color #ed1c24 and turn off the Stroke color.
Step 4
With the help of the Selection Tool, select the duplicate layer of the letter, which is filled with #ed1c24, and then click on Effect in the Menu Bar. Place the cursor on 3D and select Rotate.
In the 3D Rotate Options dialogue box, set the position to Isometric Right. Check the Preview and click OK.
Step 5
Now select both the letters and press Alt + Ctrl + Bto Make Blend.
Now double click on the Blend Tool in the Tool Panel to open the Blend Options dialogue box. In this dialogue box, increase the Specified Steps and click OK.
Step 6
With the help of the Direct Selection Tool, select the top layer of the Blend and drag it and place it over the bottom layer.
Similarly, you can create a Flip Text Effect with any letter.
This is how to Flip Text in Adobe Illustrator.
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