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Hatched Drop Shadow Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator
As I had said earlier, that we can do wonders with text in Adobe Illustrator. Today again, we are going to prove this saying by learning to create Hatched Drop Shadow Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator.
The tools which will be used in creating Hatched Drop Shadow Text Effect are the Type Tool and the Appearance Panel.
Step 1
Launch Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Select the Type Tool and click on the artboard to activate the type box. Now type your text.
Mark the Fill and Strokes with No Fill.
Step 2
Now we will open the Appearance Panel. For that, we will click on Window in the Menu Bar and then we will put a checkmark on Appearance. The Appearance Panel will appear on the artboard.
In the Appearance Panel, click on Add New Fill button which is at the bottom-left of the panel. Now if you want you can change the fill color of the text otherwise let’s continue with the black fill.
Step 3
Again click on Add New Fill and click on the drop-down button which is next to the fill swatch. When you will click on the drop-down button Swatches Panel will appear.
In the Swatches Panel, click on Swatch Libraries Menu and place the cursor on Patterns. Then place the cursor on Basic Graphics and select Basic Graphics Lines.
Swatch Libraries Menu > Patterns > Basic Graphics > Basic Graphics Lines
From Basic Graphics Lines Panel, select the first line pattern as a new fill. Remember that strokes will not be filled. This line pattern will help in creating Hatched Drop Shadow Text Effect.
Step 4
Close the Basic Graphics Lines Panel and go to the Appearance Panel. In the Appearance Panel, select the Line Pattern Fill and click on Add New Effect Button.
When you will click on Add New Effect button, a list of effects will appear. Place the cursor on Distort & Transform and select Transform.
The Transform Effect dialogue box will appear when you will select Transform. In that dialogue box, set the Horizontal Move to 14pt and click OK.
Now again, open the Transform Effect dialogue box by following the above process. This time when you will click on Transform, a dialogue box will appear asking you whether you want to apply the new effect or not. In that dialogue box, click on Apply New Effect.
When you will click on Apply New Effect, Transform Effect dialogue box will appear. Now uncheck the Transform Objects Option and set the Rotate Angle to 45 degrees and also set the Vertical Scale to 51%.
Check the Preview and click OK.
This is how you can create your Hatched Drop Shadow Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator. If you wish, you can change the fill color of your text and the line pattern. You have to go to Edit Pattern to fill color in the Pattern.
Now practice this Illustrator tutorial and write your views in the comment section. Also, share this tutorial with others.