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Snowflakes in Adobe Illustrator
Winter season brings snow with it and today you will learn how to draw a snowflake with the help of some basic shapes and tools we can create Snowflakes in Adobe Illustrator.
The basic shape tool to draw snowflakes that will be used in today’s tutorial is the Ellipse Tool.
Launch Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Snowflake drawing is easy just follow the steps:
Step 1
Select the Ellipse Tool from the Tool Panel and draw a circle on the artboard.
Now select the circle and create an Offset Path of 7 pt.
Object > Path > Offset Path
Select the circle created with the help of Offset Path and swap the fill color into the stroke.
Step 2
Similarly, create one more Offset Path.
Now select the Pen Tool and draw a straight line as shown in the below image. After drawing the line go to the Stroke Panel and select Round Cap.
Step 3
With the help of Pen Tool draw a V shape on the line. The caps of the stroke will be rounded.
I have increased the Stroke Size to 2pt.
Select the line and the v shape and create a duplicate copy of it with the help of the Alt key. Place the duplicate copy on the opposite side.
Step 4
Select the lines and v shapes and group them by pressing Ctrl + G. After grouping them, select them and click on Object in the Menu Bar. Place the cursor on Transform and select Rotate.
In the Rotate dialogue box, set the angle to 45o and click on Copy.
Press Ctrl + D to repeat the rotation.
Step 5
With the help of Pen Tool draw a small line with a single v shape between the two large lines.
The way, in which the large lines were rotated in 45oangle, we will rotate the small lines.
Step 6
Now create a background and change the fill and stroke color of the Snowflakesinto white.
Then apply the Outer Glow Effect to the Snowflakes.
This is how you can create Snowflakes with the help of a basic shape. In the upcoming tutorials, you will learn the drawing of Snowflakes with the help of Star Shape and Polygon Shape.
Till then practice this tutorial and share your views in the comment section. Also, share this tutorial with others.
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