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Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot is a triangular shape figure composed of interlaced arcs. In today’s tutorial, we will create Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator.

We will use PolygonTool, Ellipse Tool, Pen Tool, and Shape Builder Tool.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Launch Adobe Illustrator and create a document of size 1000 pt X 1000 pt. Now follow the below steps:

Step 1

Select the Polygon Tool and click on the artboard. In the Polygon dialogue box, set Radius to 150 pt and Sides to 3.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Step 2

Now rotate the triangle to 900 angles and then select the Ellipse Tool. Turn off the Fill color and draw three circles of the same size. Place them on the three corners of the triangle in such a manner that the center point of the circles will be at the corner of the triangle.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Step 3

Now draw a small circle inside the triangle in such a manner that the center point of the circle will be the intersecting point of the three circles.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

With the help of the Selection Tool, select the triangle and hit backspace.

Step 4

Press Ctrl + A to select all the circles and then click on Object in the Menu Bar. Place the cursor on Path and select Offset Path.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

In the Offset Pathdialogue box, put a checkmark on Preview and then increase the Offsetpoints.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Step 5

Again press Ctrl + A to select all the circles and then select the Shape Builder Tool from the Tool Panel.

Press & hold the Alt key and then remove the unwanted paths. (See the image below)

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

After removing the unwanted paths, release the Alt key.

Now with the help of the Shape Builder Tool merge the paths to create overlapping and under-lapping paths.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

 This is how you can create Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator.

Triquetra Knot in Adobe Illustrator

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  • Vivi Designing

    Vivi Designing is a platform for people who are in love with design and are eager to learn for creativity and inspiration. We provide free design resources, articles, tutorials, techniques, and the latest trends in Adobe Illustration and Adobe Photoshop.

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