Table of Contents
Anaglyphic Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator
In today’s tutorial, you will learn to create an Anaglyphic Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator. We will be using Type Tool, Appearance Panel, and a few other effects to create this effect.
Launch Adobe Illustrator and create a new document with RGB color mode.
Now follow the below steps:
Step 1
Select the Type Tool and click on the artboard. Now type your text.
Let the typed text be selected and change the fill color. Fill the text with color #27aae1.
Step 2
Now press Shift + F6 to open Appearance Panel and click on the New Fill icon to add Fill Layer. Make sure your text is always selected at the time when you open the Appearance Panel.
Now change the fill color to #27aae1.
Step 3
Again add a New Fill layer in the Appearance Panel and change the Fill color to #22ffff. Now click on the Function icon to add an effect to this layer. Place the cursor on Distort & Transform and select Transform.
With the help of the Transform Effect dialogue box, Horizontally Move this second layer of Fill to -5pt.
Check the Preview and click OK.
Now we will reduce the Opacity of this second layer of New Fill in the Appearance Panel.
Step 4
Now add the third layer of New Fill and change the fill color to #27aaff. In this layer also we will apply the Transform Effect as we had done in the second layer. But in this layer, we will Horizontally Move the layer to -10 pt and reduce the Opacity to 20%.
Step 5
Now it’s time to add the fourth layer of New Fill. Change the color of this layer to #ff282eand apply the Transform Effect. We have moved the second and third fill layer horizontally towards negative points but this layer will be moved horizontally towards positive points.
Horizontal Move is 5pt and the Opacity is 30%.
Step 6
Add the fifth layer of the New Fill in the Appearance Panel and change its color to #ff544f. Reduce its Opacity to 20% and apply the Transform Effect. The Horizontal Move is 10pt.
Step 7
Now close the Appearance Panel but your text must be selected. Click on Effect in the Menu Bar and place the cursor on Stylize. Then select Drop Shadow.
Check the Preview after making necessary changes and then click OK.
Apply the Drop Shadow Effect to the text and your Anaglyphic Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator.
Now wear your 3D Glasses and see the difference.
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