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Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator

Cloud Shape in Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based design software that offers a vast range of tools and features to create high-quality graphics and illustrations. It is a popular choice among designers, artists, and illustrators for its versatility and flexibility. With the help of Illustrator, you can create a variety of shapes and forms, including clouds.Drawing clouds in Illustrator can be a fun and creative way to add depth and dimension to your artwork. There are several ways to create clouds in Illustrator, and the process may vary depending on the type of cloud you want to create. One way to draw clouds in Illustrator is to use the Shape Tool to create a cloud shape, then apply a gradient fill to it to create a realistic 3D effect. Another method is to use the Paintbrush Tool or the Blob Brush Tool to draw the cloud shape freehand, then adjust the stroke and fill to add texture and depth.

Adobe Illustrator also offers cloud brushes that you can use to add clouds to your artwork quickly. These brushes can be found in the Brush Libraries, and you can easily access them by clicking on the Brush Tool and selecting the brush library you want to use. The grain brushes in Illustrator can also be used to create cloud texture by adjusting the stroke and fill settings.

To create a cloud shape in Illustrator, you can use the Ellipse Tool or the Pen Tool to create a cloud outline. Once you have created the outline, you can add gradient fills or solid colors to give it a realistic effect. You can also add a blur effect to the cloud to make it appear more natural and realistic. To add depth to the cloud, you can use the Warp Tool to adjust the shape and create a more dynamic form.

When drawing clouds in Illustrator, it is essential to pay attention to the details to ensure that the clouds look realistic. One of the key aspects of creating realistic clouds is to vary the shapes and sizes of the clouds to create a natural effect. You can also experiment with different colors and shading techniques to create different moods and atmospheres.

In conclusion, drawing clouds in Adobe Illustrator is a fun and creative way to add depth and dimension to your artwork. Whether you prefer to draw clouds freehand or use Illustrator’s cloud brushes, there are many ways to create realistic and dynamic cloud shapes. By paying attention to the details and experimenting with different techniques, you can create stunning cloud designs that enhance the overall look and feel of your artwork.

After having lessons on Basic Tools and Panels of Adobe Illustrator, let’s begin drawing by using the Basic Tools.
In today’s lesson, you will learn to draw a simple Cloud Shape.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
So what are you waiting for, launch your Adobe Illustrator, and create a new document.

Step 1

After creating a document, press Shift + U to enable Smart Guides.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
Smart Guides helps in drawing the shape or object perfectly. After enabling Smart Guides, when you will draw a shape you will see magenta lines guiding you about the center point, intersecting point, path, etc.
You can also enable Smart Guide from View option in the Menu Bar. Click on View then check-mark on Smart Guides.

Step 2

After turning on Smart Guides, again click on View and enable Show Grid and Snap to Grid.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
You can use shortcut keys, Ctrl + “for Show Grid and Shift + Ctrl + “ for Snap to Grid.
For beginners, it is advisable to use a grid while drawing. Grids will help in drawing a perfect shape and will help in placing your objects in the perfect place.

Step 3

Now press Shift + Ctrl + H to hide your artboard. By hiding the artboard you will get a white background workspace document area. (See the image below)
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
With help of the Ellipse Tool (Shortcut key is L), draw a circle covering the area of four squares of the grid. The center point of the circle is at the intersecting point of the four squares.

Step 4

After drawing the circle covering the area of four squares, draw three more circles of different sizes. The size will be decreasing in each circle.
Don’t get confused, have a look at the below image.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
Place the 3 circles drawn in the same way as it is placed in the above image. The center point of each circle will be touching the succeeding circle.

Step 5

After placing the circles correctly, with the help of the Selection Tool (V), select the three circles which were drawn later. Press and hold the Alt key along with the left click and drag the selection to make a duplicate copy of it.
After duplicating the selection, click on Flip Along Horizontal Axis. You will find it in Properties Panel under Transform.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
Flip Along Horizontal Axis will flip the selected circles as shown in the image above.
After flipping the circles, place them next to the circle which we have drawn in the beginning. Smart Guides will help you in placing these flipped circles in the same line as that of the three circles drawn previously. In the below image you can see how the flipped circles are placed.
Note that the center point of each circle must touch the preceding circle.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator

Step 6

After proper placement of circles, press Shift + A to select all the circles.
Now click on Shape Builder Tool in the Tool Panel or hit Shift + M. Move the pointer towards the selected circles and you will notice a + sign at the end of the pointer. With a left-click, drag the pointer from one circle to another till the end (from the first circle to the last circle) to combine them to form a single shape.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
The red highlighted area is the preview of the result of the Shape Builder Tool. This red line shows you what shape will be formed.
As you can see in the above image that the red line is in the outer area, release left click and you will get one single shape; i.e.; the shape of a Cloud as shown in the below image.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator

Step 7

You might be not satisfied with the width of the cloud but don’t worry you can increase the width with just one click.
Press V, shortcut key of Selection Tool, select the cloud shape. Once you have selected the cloud shape you will see small points at the corners and middle points of the selection box. Move your pointer to the corner point and with left click drag it. In this way, you can change/adjust the height and width of your cloud shape.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
If you have noticed we have only used three tools to create this cloud shape; i.e.; Ellipse Tool, Shape Builder Tool, and Selection Tool.
In this way, you can draw a simpleCloud Shape. Along with Ellipse Tool, you can also use other shape tools to draw a cloud and fill it with the color of your choice, either uses a solid color or use gradient.
Cloud shape in Adobe Illustrator
Now draw your own cloud of different shapes and sizes as per your imagination and share it with me at Also mention the tools which you have used.
Give your feedback in the comment section and share this tutorial with others.


  • Vivi Designing

    Vivi Designing is a platform for people who are in love with design and are eager to learn for creativity and inspiration. We provide free design resources, articles, tutorials, techniques, and the latest trends in Adobe Illustration and Adobe Photoshop.


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