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Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator

Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator

Today, you will learn to create Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator. The tools that will be used in creating this background are the Pen Tool, Transform Tool, and Wrap Tool. This background is unique and easy to create. You will enjoy playing with the lines while creating this Abstract Line Background in Illustrator.
In just 3 simple steps, you will create this background in Adobe Illustrator.
Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator
Let’s start with the tutorial by opening Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document.
Now follow the below-mentioned easy to draw step-by-step process:

Step 1

Select the Pen Tool and draw a horizontal line on the artboard. Turn off the Fill color for the line and select the Stroke color.
Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator

Step 2

With the help of the Selection Tool, select the line and click on Object in the Menu Bar. Place the cursor on Transform and select Move.
Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator
A Move dialogue box will appear on the artboard. In that dialogue box, set the Vertical Position of the line and the Distance. Then put a checkmark on the Preview and click on Copy.
Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator
Now press Ctrl + D to repeat the Transform. We will press Ctrl + D till the whole artboard is filled with the lines.
Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator

Step 3

Press Ctrl + A to select all the lines. Now select the Wrap Tool from the Tool Panel and move it on the lines to create Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator.
Abstract Line Background in Adobe Illustrator
You can create a background with the help of the Rectangle Tool and change the stroke color.
So, this is how you can create an Abstract Line Background in Illustrator by following these 3 simple steps of the Illustrator Tutorial
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  • Vivi Designing

    Vivi Designing is a platform for people who are in love with design and are eager to learn for creativity and inspiration. We provide free design resources, articles, tutorials, techniques, and the latest trends in Adobe Illustration and Adobe Photoshop.

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